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Tina Hope-DarbyThe Unseen Enemy
an autobiography by Tina Hope-Darby

Summary of chapters

Chapter 1 Welcome to my world
The opening chapter provides a brief insight into a journey that is like no-other and one that you are about to embark on with Tina Hope-Darby, a psychic from birth who has been exposed to realms that mankind is not supposed to have access to.

Like a scene from a horror movie, the chapter describes the large, gloomy and very haunted house where Tina was born and how from a very young age she became increasingly subjected to visitations.

She has vivid childhood memories of being stood alone in a cot at night watching dark entities that were silently watching her and if that was not bad enough, she slowly became aware of one whose presence she could feel, but was unable to see, one whose presence filled her with a cold dread.

She was a young child with nowhere to run and no one to turn to for help; a child who was also becoming subjected to mental and emotional anguish by her parents, for no other reason than developing a mind of her own.

This chapter typifies Tina’s open, frank and sometimes humorous style of writing, which belies the torturous events often taking place behind the scenes; events that on occasion have pushed her to the brink of suicide.

Chapter 2 My upbringing & other dark events
This chapter starts to put flesh on the bones of her family life, upbringing and home life during her formative years; it expands on the psychic lineage on her mother’s side of the family and the far from normal members of the family.

To all external appearances, her life was that of a normal comfortable middle class family, but as the chapter progresses it becomes clear that some of the events taking place were not as they should be.

The combination of alarming psychic experiences and mental harshness sets the backdrop for Tina’s future.

Readers are introduced to the dark and malevolent entity who is the star of the show and whose impact on Tina’s life was both dramatic and far-reaching, an entity who somehow managed to remain undetected for many years, whilst manipulating events from behind the scenes.

Tina explains in simple term how such events can occur, and touches on the tip of the iceberg of the grief filled events that the entity engineered; culminating in her turning to conventional religion in the hope of a fix.

Chapter 3 A whole lot of strange occurrences
A collection of humorous, bizarre and sometimes alarming psychic activities that serve to highlight the far reaching impact that such activities can have on those close to the recipient and how such insidious events acted out on a larger scale can create Global fear and anger.

It details the paranormal events that in-part lead to the breakdown of her first marriage and how the unseen enemy’s disruptive influence has repeatedly tried to separate Tina and her current husband and the disruption that the entity caused within his business.

There is a touching short story about a young spirit who is trapped between two worlds and how she was subsequently helped across to the other side, along with an account of a recently killed family friend stepping into Tina’s body to communicate with his father and how she in turn, found herself in the body of a woman from another time and place.

The chapter recounts how a visiting friend left an entity behind which took weeks to clear and how external events conspired to block Tina from visiting the same holiday destination on two separate occasions; clearly somewhere she was not supposed to visit and finishes with the realisation that her mother may also have been influenced by the same entity, who was drawn into the psychic development circle that her mother held. Tina always felt that the circle attracted the darker energies.

Chapter 4 Demons
Demons are referred to throughout the bible and apparently the Catholic Church has an exorcist in every diocese; there is no smoke without fire.

This chapter describes an attack by a demonic entity that is truly the stuff of horror movies and when she turned to her spirit guides for an answer, their surprising response was in part what prompted her to write this book.

There is a chilling section about an employee of Tina’s husband named Kevin, who owned an imported Japanese sports car that was haunted by a Japanese entity, an entity that was increasingly disrupting Kevin’s work, social and love life.

Doing what they do best, the entity was creating so much electrical failure on her husband’s underwater survey equipment that he had no-option but to let Kevin go.
It cost her husband’s company thousands of pounds in lost revenue and repairs and took months before the situation could be rectified.

Chapter 5 Tsunami
This chapter recounts a number of astounding psychic events that took place before and during a holiday in Goa at the time of the Tsunami and serve to highlight the fragility of life and suggests that such events may be pre-ordained.

Whilst in Goa, a long term ex-boyfriend killed a few days earlier in the Tsunami visited Tina psychically to bring closure to the relationship and how the holiday culminated in a near air crash, the trauma of which closed Tina’s psychic link for more than three months.

The chapter highlights the extent that disruptive entities can influence day to day activities and how it can be nigh on impossible to alter such events without the understanding of why they are occurring in the first place; ‘Holiday Gremlins’ that impacted on every holiday and major social event remaining undetected for years and ends with a story of a cats karma that took her from a busy roundabout in Cairo to a life in North London.

Chapter 6 Premonitions
Tina has experienced enough premonitions to fill a book on the subject, but has highlighted the ones that are of a particularly unusual or interesting nature; some of which are amusing, some of which are distressing; all of which are interesting.

Living in a town that has a reputation for hauntings and strange paranormal activity; a town that at one time laid claim to having the most haunted house in Britain, it should come as no surprise that Tina witnessed a cold killer from another dimension who would dispatch otherwise healthy people, sometimes by the car load, into the spirit world.

There have been an abnormally high number of deaths and serious injuries on this one particular road, a road that is perfectly straight with good lighting and good visibility.

Chapter 7 The firstborn often dies
For a family to lose a child to death is a tragedy. For a family to lose their first born child to death on multiple occasions goes beyond a tragedy.

Born into a family of dark secrets and half truths, where family members included an Admiral of the fleet and an eccentric millionaire, where certain family members are rarely referred to, Tina felt that there was more going on than met the eye; during research for this book, she read about an alleged agreement between another dimensional controlling race and families from this dimension who agreed to the loss of their first born in return for material power and wealth.

It sounds stranger than fiction, but then again maybe it’s no stranger than some of the emerging truths behind global events.

Chapter 8 Past lives
Reincarnation is probably the most interesting and widely discussed subject when it comes to matters of the continuation of life after death and one that gives meaning to the strange game of life that we keep participating in.

This chapter culminates in Tina’s vivid recollection of an incarnation in Ancient Egypt from which the karmic repercussions are still affecting her and her family members, some three thousand years later.

Much of the detail in this chapter was unexpectedly ‘channelled’ through a shaking, distraught and sobbing Tina, by an entity claiming to be Thoth and was transcribed ‘as verbatim’ by her husband.

Chapter 9 Coincidence, synchronicity and signs
It is a widely held belief that there is no such thing as coincidence and that all so called coincidences are events orchestrated by the spirit world.

Allegedly the coincidences are the spirit world providing us with signs and indications to show us the path that we should be taking or an event that we should participate in.

Sadly most of us fail to recognise these signs until years and much grief later, when the signs have had to take on the proportions and impact of a steamroller.

So maybe it’s all about synchronicity and parts of the divine plan.........whatever that may be!

Chapter 10 Out of body experiences
Tina recounts an array of remarkable OBE’s that range from humorous to horrifying, from hearing music of the spheres to being told that she is dead and will not return to the earthly plane.

Everyone experiences OBE’s, they are a normal function of our higher bodies, but few can recall them with the same vivid detail.

The strange thing about OBE’s is that they often demonstrate that the illusion of time being linear only applies to the earth realm, as does the impression of us only leading one life at a time.

Chapter 11 Diana’s sphere
Strange events took place shortly after a close friend committed suicide.

Around six months later during an OBE, Tina visits the sphere where Diana exists and she is now living in a large and luxurious communal house set within beautiful grounds, but Tina becomes perturbed to find the doors are all bolted on the outside.

The chapter goes on to expand on the synchronicity that existed between Diana and Tina, their respective partners and their relationships.

Chapter 12 Near death experience
It is a widely held belief in many of the Eastern Traditions that everyone has 7-exits; in other words during the span of the current incarnation, everyone will be exposed to seven events that could ultimately lead to their death and their higher-self is free to exit the current incarnation at the time best suited to the souls greater good.

In this chapter, Tina recounts a NDE unlike any of the more traditional accounts of people passing into the spirit world and being returned to Earth to finish their allotted life span.

Tina was given the option to stay in the sphere visited in the NDE and it was only the thought of missing her family that prompted her to return to her current incarnation.

Chapter 13 Mr Bird and the talking cats
From heavy to humorous; this touching chapter is about the short and colourful life of a lovely little yellow canary and talking unlikely combination!

In keeping with most of the preceding chapters, Tina’s attention wanders to other vaguely related events; all of which are quite uncharacteristically cheery.

Chapter 14 The materialisation
Back in the 1980’s a famous healer made the headlines when all manner of objects were materialising and de-materialising in his home, many of which were from different eras.

This is a truly remarkable account of a physical manifestation of a dead rabbit’s fur that was witnessed by the family and provides evidence of the incredible overlap between different spheres and provides a further indication that not everything is governed by the laws of physics.

Chapter 15 Spirit guides
There are a dozen or more books written on this subject alone, by different authors spanning at least 100yrs and guides are mentioned in just about every spiritual book you are likely to read.

This short chapter barely does the subject justice, but it provides a fascinating insight into Tina’s practical and down to earth experiences with these incredible and supportive entities.

This chapter reaffirms Tina’s strong psychic links with Ancient Egypt.

Chapter 16 Siade
The unseen enemy, an entity that has remained hidden for so many years has grown increasingly strong and has become bold and arrogant to the point where he reveals his name and his clear intentions towards Tina, via a psychic relative.

It is a highly disturbing event that provides a deep insight into both the origin and nature of the entity and is truly the stuff of horror movies.

Ironically, the insight ultimately provides the key to his removal from this sphere.

Chapter 17 Egypt, the return
A brief and unexpected visit to Cairo (Tina’s spiritual home) that includes a harrowing but humorous account of her short, un-escorted walk along the Nile, an early morning visit by Shades and an incredible, uplifting communication with an Egyptian God that provides an insight into both herself and family members, that has life changing consequences.

Chapter 18 The exorcism
In the pen-ultimate chapter Saied, the unseen enemy is at his most powerful and is wreaking havoc in the social and business lives of both Tina and her husband; family members are also beginning to be effected directly by the entity.

Events culminate in a succession of high level exorcisms using ancient manuscripts said to be written by King Solomon and King David; manuscripts which are considered to be highly dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced and uninitiated.

The book opens like a scene from a horror movie and ends like a scene from a Dennis Wheatley film.

Chapter 19 The conclusion

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